Tremonti / Florence Black –  The End Will Show Us How tour at The Academy Dublin 09.02.2025

American heavy metal band founded and fronted by lead vocalist and guitarist Mark Tremonti aka Tremonti ripped it up at The Academy Dublin as part of their The End Will Show Us tour.
It may have been cold outside but it was anything but inside the rammed venue for this sold-out show and judging by the smiles on the band members faces they were having a blast as the tore through fifteen song setlist.

Opening act for the night were Welsh three piece rock band from South Wales Florence Black who got the energy levels pumping before handing over to Tremonti and also before doing so they let the Dublin fans know that they will be back in town in September.

Florence Black photos & set-list:

Start Again
Bed Of Nails
The Deep End
Look Up
Rocking’ Ring
Sun And Moon

Tremonti photos & set-list:

Wish You Well
Tomorrow We Will Fail
You Waste Your Time
The Things I’ve Seen
So You’re Afraid
My Last Mistake
Another Heart
Flying Monkeys
Catching Fire
Marching in Time
Throw Them to the Lions
All the Wicked Things
A Dying Machine

Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic

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