Dublin band Skanger – will released the single ‘Maybe’ tomorrow 7th of Feb and have also announced a Dublin date at Whelans

Maybe is the latest single taken from Dublin band Skanger’s soon to be released debut album Love & Violence.

Following the success of their last celebrated release, Change The World, the band leap into spring with gig announcements and brand-new music.

Skanger frontman Mark’s thoughts on this single are ‘this is a song born out of the frustrations of the Monday morning blues following a long weekend on the sesh!! A hopeful and optimistic view overlooking the challenges of the Monday morning drinker’s remorse, looking forward to a brighter future on Tuesday…. only to be back on the well-known slippery slope by Thursday’.

Skanger will headline their first ever Dublin show in Whelan’s (upstairs) on Friday March 7th with support to be announced.

Get tickets priced €15 here now!

Photo credit – JR Korpa at Unsplash

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