Chelsea Wolfe / Mary Jane Dunphe – Button Factory Dublin, 25.10.2024

Chelsea Wolfe is on Irish shore for two shows, kicking off in Dublin’s Button Factory and then moving on to Belfast before hitting the UK and EU.
The Dublin show was a sell out and was evident with people crammed into every available space in the venue. All there were treated to a seventeen song set, which you can see below. Chelsea and the band put on a fantastic show as they played through said set on a very dimly lite stage as you would expect at any respectable Doom Metal / Goth Rock show.

Opening act on the night was Mary Jane Dunphe a poet and musician who tells stories–not through direct narrative but through embodied presence and performance and for me anyway had traits of Björk in her performance.

Mary Jane Dunphe photos:

Chelsea Wolfe photos & set-list:

Whispers in the Echo Chamber
Everything Turns Blue
House of Self‐Undoing
Tunnel Lights
16 Psyche
After the Fall
The Culling
The Mother Road
Unseen World
Eyes Like Nightshade
Place in the Sun
Feral Love
Carrion Flowers
The Liminal (Chelsea Wolfe solo)

Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic

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