I may have said this before either here or elsewhere and possibly to many times ? But A Lazarus Soul are one of those bands that just keep getting better and better and better with each time I see them and last night was no exception. Another thing is that the venues keep getting bigger also and well deserved.
This time they got to play to a packed out Vicar Street in Dublin which is no mean feat!.
And to top all that, they chose to opening their set with (IMO) one of their best songs (hard to say as there are many), that been ”Black Maria” and this set the tone for the rest of the night.
Dublin band Sack were the opening act and it is good to see this Dublin band back playing live and not only back playing live, they have just recently released a new album & Irish / UK tour dates to take place throughout November.
Sack photos & set-list:

What Did the Christians Ever Do for Us?
Do You Need Love?
I Fell Thru A Crack
Unmade Bed Of A Man
Wale Up People!
What a Way to Live
A Lazarus Soul photos & set-list:

Black Maria
The Flower I Flung Into Her Grave
No Hope Road
Lemon 7s
Glass Swans
The Day Harry Left
Blue Murder
Black and Amber
Long Balconies
We Start Fires
Mercury Hit a High
Tar Road
Factory Fada
Last Of The Analogue Age
The Dealers
Decade For Believing
Funeral Sessions
Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic