Two Door Cinema Club have been hitting Ireland hard this summer. First blowing the roof off the tent in Fairview Park, then onto Belfasts CHSQ and then just this weekend gone, they blessed us with their presence in Galway Airport as part of the Galway Summer sessions.
If (like me) you didn’t pay attention to them much before this year, you will certainly be keeping your ears opened for them now.
Exploding onto the scene at a time when it was nothing but indie bands taking over the world, Two Door Cinema Club seemed to have outlasted the rest of their competition and are still chugging on. Except, there is a slight noticeable difference that I have picked up on.
Reinvention is the key to survival a majority of the time within the music industry. And even though we are still hearing those indie licks and high hat disco beats from TDCC, they have changed. Or perhaps more so Alex Trimble has changed.
After suffering for years with an Identity crisis and going through depression and drug addictions, coming out the other side of that is sure to change a man. Meditation and philosophical readings help dig deep within ones soul and it seems that these changes have indeed been for the better. Even the stage presence was very noticeable.
I couldn’t help think of how Alex Turner holds himself on stage, as if he was in a show band in the 40’s performing during a Vegas residency. Well, Trimble had this new aura about himself now too. It was slow moving, attentive and mindful. Soaking it all in and making mental notes of the moment.
His new presence allowed the music to even take on a whole new character too. This wasn’t just early 2000’s indie music. This was Indie music that we all grew up with, but with a suit and tie and a new world view. A safety net has been cast around these tracks and they have evolved and flourished into adulthood.
A stellar performance from the band that kept everyones spirits very high.
I am actually excited to dive deeper into the world of Two Door Cinema Club and with high hopes of shooting them again upon their next arrival.
Disgusting Sisters photos:

Two Door Cinema Club photos & set-list:

This Is the Life
I Can Talk
Sleep Alone
Sure Enough
Changing of the Seasons
Next Year
Do You Want It All?
Something Good Can Work
Costume Party
Bad Decisions
What You Know
Everybody’s Cool
Come Back Home
Are We Ready? (Wreck)
The World Is Watching
Eat That Up, It’s Good for You
Undercover Martyn
Cigarettes in the Theatre
What You Know
Words & Photos Carl Foran – @carlforanphotography