Stiff Little Fingers played to a sold out crowd at Dublin’s The Academy on the second last night of their Hate Has No Home Here tour, which concludes in Belfast tonight with the Putting the Fast in Belfast out door show in Custom House Square.
Last night the loyal fans were out in force and packed out The Academy as they always do when SLF come to town, having seen the boys a number of times I have to say this was the best time I have every seen them, they were on fire!
Opening the night fell on Dublin punk outfit Aoife Destruction & The Nilz who were a blast to catch as I have also seen the Nilz a number of times and have been wanting to catch them now with Aoife who many will know comes from Paranoid Visions. The Nilz have always been entertaining and a fun band to catch, but now they seem to have gone up a level with Eddie and Aoife complementing each other so well on vocals.
Aoife Destruction & The Nilz photos:

Stiff Little Fingers photo & set-list:

Suspect Device
State of Emergency
Hate Has No Home Here
At the Edge
Silver Lining
Love of the Common People (John Hurley cover)
Just Fade Away
Last Train From the Wasteland
Roots Radicals Rockers & Reggae (Bunny Wailer cover)
Wasted Life
Get a Life
Nobody’s Hero
Tin Soldiers
Gotta Getaway
Doesn’t Make It Alright (The Specials cover)
Alternative Ulster
Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic