Nordic Giants, the enigmatic musical duo known for their captivating soundscapes and immersive live performances have solidified their place in the alternative music scene through a rich history of sonic innovation and visual storytelling. A cornerstone of Nordic Giants identity is their mesmerising live performances, which over the last decade have earned them a devoted global following. Combining live instrumentation, visuals and theatrical elements, their shows are akin to a religious experience, transporting audiences to otherworldly realms.
‘Origins’ invites audiences to embark on a voyage of discovery, delving deeper into Nordic Giants past. This brand new release will combine three of the very first Nordic recordings – A Tree As Old As Me (E.P), Speed the Crows Nest (Single), Shine (Single), plus a bonus track, onto one compilation album. However this compilation offers the listener a new experience, with many of the original recording sessions being revisited and many of the main instruments re-recorded, re-mixed and re-mastered, giving the songs a whole new lease of life. A re-birth and celebration into the Origins of Nordic Giants.
For the very first time this collection of songs will be available to buy on multiple formats and will feature some of their most streamed music, songs such as ‘Together’ previously unreleased on vinyl until now. These new recordings will take many of the ‘Classic’ Nordic recordings, including ‘Through a Lens Darkly’ & ‘The Seed’. With newly recorded live strings, drums, piano, synths and guitars: much more in tune with what fans are used to hearing during live performances.
This Limited Edition Release pre-order via Nordic Giants website. Formats include: Vinyl, CD, USB and Tape – along with some Unique Limited Items, signed test pressings, instruments and even the opportunity to mix your own version of the album alongside Nordic Giants, in the very studio it was recorded!

1. Together (5.29)
2. Speed The Crows Nest (4.19)
3. Glass Skinned Girl Ft. Freyja (5.51)
4. Through a Lens Darkly (5.36)
1. Shine Ft. Cate Ferris (4.12)
2. The Seed Ft. Jake Reid (5.26)
3. B.O.A.T.S Ft. Amdine (5.42)
4. Dark Clouds Mean War (Rework) (8.06)
Origins hopes to be the first of two releases this year as the duo have plans to complete a full length studio album to be released around September 2024, along with a large tour across the U.K and Europe. Both these albums will be self-funded and crowd sourced relying on the support of their loyal followers and a helping hand from their friends over at ‘Nice Weather For Airstrikes’.
In the run-up to the full release, Nordic Giants will be sharing a huge collection of old rare gig photos, behind the scenes videos and a written saga , revealing undisclosed details about Nordic Giants and possibly even a glimpse of the men behind the masks . . . .
Photo credit – Neal Grundy