Day two of Kilkenny Roots festival and I eased myself into it nicely with, what was billed as Conversation and Song with Jeffery Martin and Allan Jones (Melody Maker/Uncut/Mojo) in The Pembroke Hotel. This took place at 12.30pm for any who were up and ready to go after the night before and consisted of a question time from both Allan and members of the audience, after which Jeffery played a few songs. Have to say Jeffery answers to all questions can only be described as honest and vulnerable when speaking about himself and his writing process.
After this it was off to Billy Byrnes Gastro Bar & Venue and a highlight for me The Zipheads who play a great mix of Rock’n’Roll / Rockabilly / Punk and Ska, they did not disappoint the eager crowd that had crammed into see these guys, who luck for me where also playing later in the night as openers for Hayseed Dixie who they happening to be on tour with.
It was then a bit of a break for me (longer than expected due to stupidly grabbing an afternoon nap, longer that expected LOL).
But anyway 9pm rolled around and it was the turn of Will Mason to play at Kyteler’s Inn and again it was another packed out venue and opening for Willy was Amy May Ellis who entertained the crowd not only with some fantastic songs but in-between reading them a letter that she had wrote to the crowd earlier in the day while sound checking.
I finished up the night by taking a trip over to the The Set Theatre to catch the final show on the day which was Hayseed Dixie the self-created musical genre band the the guys call rockgrass.
As I mentioned earlier opening for the guys were The Zipheads.
And so came an end to another wonderful day of music in the city of Kilkenny and all that was left to do was head home and wait for Sunday to do it all over again.
Conversation & Song with Jeffrey Martin & Allan Jones photos:

The Zipheads photos:

Willy Mason & Amy May Ellis photos:

Hayseed Dixie & The Zipheads photos: