Glen Hansard / Martin Shaw – at Cleere’s Bar & Theatre, Kilkenny 16.12.2024

So Christmas is nearly upon us and that good and golden heart that is Glen Hansard popped into Cleere’s in Kilkenny for a night of Song / Stories & Poems and the night was all for a very good cause and that being Ukrainian Action as all ticket costs were been donated to this cause and if you would like to you can do so yourself by hitting the link here:

Along with Glen on the night was the acclaimed teacher of myth. Author of the award-winning Mythteller trilogy (A Branch from the Lightning Tree, Snowy Tower, Scatterlings) Dr Martin Shaw  who got all in attendance into the spirit of things with some fantastic story telling before Glen took to the stage for his set, which contain solo hits / The Frames hits and a mix of covers

Glen wasnt the only one to take the stage as he invited a local musician up at one point to play mandilion on one song and after a blistering set from Glen and everyone thought it was all over! Glen was back on stage and introduced a hero of his that was there to see the show and before Glen invited him up, Glen covered one of his songs and then John Hergety got up and sang Bonfire Night after which one can only say the whole venue turned into one massive Christmas sing along party before things came to an end.

Martin Shaw photos:

Glen Hansard photos:

Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic

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