The ground quakes, the surface fractures, and a colossal force rises from the abyss: GATES TO HELL have returned to deliver their undeniable truth—Death Comes to All. The Louisville natives charge onto the heavy music scene with their second full-length which will be released March 21st via Nuclear Blast Records. Blurring the lines between death metal, hardcore, and every brutal sound in between, GATES TO HELL bring a monstrous energy to the studio and an unmatched ferocity to their live performances.
Today, the band unveil the brutal first track entitled, ‘Next to Bleed,’ The song showcases the band’s growth as songwriters, demonstrating a refined maturity while retaining their signature aggression. The accompanying music video directed by Errick Easterday features a striking visual concept: the band encircling a tilting table, where a tortured figure lies bleeding out—a dark, visceral representation of the track’s themes. ‘Next to Bleed’ is now available to order as a limited edition 7-inch red vinyl.
GATES TO HELL comments, “We’ve been working real hard and we’re excited to share with you all the next chapter for Gates to Hell starting with our first single ‘Next to Bleed’. This is our most diverse and well-rounded collection of songs we’ve made and we’re stoked to finally be able to release this record to the world soon.”
Death Comes To All Tracklist:
1. Rise Again
2. A Summoning
3. Weeping In Pain
4. Next To Bleed
5. 21 Sacraments
6. Sacrificial Deed
7. Death Comes To All
8. Crazed Killer
9. Locked Out
10. Fused With The Soil
Death Comes To All is available now for pre-order in a variety of formats including CD Jewel, LP Vinyl in purple swirl, light blue splatter (band exclusive), and purple and white swirl with black splatter (Life and Death Brigade Festival | New England Metal & Hardcore Festival exclusive) as well as a t-shirt at