Every Hell – release doom pop anthem in the making, new single ‘The Watcher’

Every Hell continue their journey in creating the most interesting, smart and heavy ‘doom pop’ around with their brand new single ‘The Watcher’, which is released today, Monday February 12th.. As with their huge previous, debut single ‘Freaking Out’ (which was given its radio premier with the Radio 1 Rock Show and supported across Future Artists, BBC Introducing and The Radio 1 Indie Show), the single was recorded and produced by Peter Miles at Middle Farm Studios and mixed in house by Mark Roberts. As well as this huge new single, the band have two more B-sides/tracks due to drop very soon, completing the debut EP, as well as a filmed live session planned for early summer 2024.

Speaking about the new single, vocalist Will Gardener said – “The Watcher is one of my favourite tunes we have written so far. I started jamming the ideas of the riff and the sax hook a good few years ago now in lockdown, I kind of can’t believe it’s taken 3 years to get it finished and out there! The song is about a particularly unpleasant encounter that I had with a (previous band) Black Peaks fan in the early hours of the morning after a night out. After chatting with him for a while he suddenly switched up and got very aggressive on me, and I am still convinced to this day that the night could have ended a lot worse for me than it did.”

And in terms of production, a bit from band drummer, Mark Roberts – “This was a super fun song to record! We knocked out the bones of the track live to tape at Middle Farm with Peter Miles then brought it home to add the tinsel at my home studio. This is our first track with Toby Stewart (Skin Failure, No Violet, Memory Of Elephants) on guitar plus we had some insane guest keys/synth noise and guitar added by the talented Adam Znaidi (The Physics House Band, The Go! Team) which really took it to the next level!”

Single artwork

Live shows

Feb 25th – DUST, Brighton (Headline)
Sat 4th May – Strangebrew Bristol with Knives – Death Goals – Bureau De Change 
11th July – 2000Trees Festival
15th August – ArcTanGent Festival

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