On its third outing Sacrosanct Dublin presented another night of Goth/Darkwave/Goth Metal at The Sound House Dublin which has become its home since last October when the first event was held.
This time around as always the event laid on not only local bands but also international acts which is a stable part of this well run night.
First up were Irish band The Seventh Shroud playing their blend of 80s Goth Rock and like any well respected gothic band the stage was at times a nice blanket of fog and shadows.
Those that had got in early were treated to songs like ”Darkness Falls” / ” Alone Again” & Nocturne” and more.
The Seventh Shroud photos & set-list:

Darkness Falls
Hide & Seek
Alone Again
Silent Tear
Second on the nights bill were the Berlin band Tunes Of Dawn bringing the Gothic Rock/Gothic Metal sound to the stage.
The guy seemed to have to deal with some sound technical difficulties at the start of their set, but this didn’t stop the guys blasting out a fantastic set of typically Germany Darkwave at times.
Their whole set combined a mix of Darkwave/Goth Metal & Goth Rock making for a nice foreboding sound that one expects from such a band.
Tunes Of Dawn photos:

We came to the final band and headliners of the night Ductape, you could feel the anticipation building in the room as the crowd moved forward to the barrier to get closer to the stage.
Ductape are a post-punk / darkwave duo from Ankara, Türkiye and their sound embodies the essence of post-punk.
The stage was set in a sea of red throughout their set with Furkan tucked away to the left of the stage in very little light as hiding in the shadows, while Çağla was right of stage while singing but not always as she would dance around as if teasing Furkan at times to come out into the light.
Ductape photos:

So as we came to the end of the live music as always there is an after party held down stairs in the venue with a DJ playing all your Goth/Darkwave/Coldwave tunes for those that are not ready to go home yet and judging by the room nobody was.
Over all it was yet another great Alternative/Goth event put on by the Sarcosanct Dublin guys and they all deserve a huge congratulations and thanks for putting on these events.
Long my they continue and if you have not to your shame made it to one of these event do yourself and the Irish goth/alternative community a favour and do so! You wont be disappointed.
Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic