If there is ever going to be a band left that the cockroaches can listen to after the bombs are dropped! Well that is going to be Author & Punisher, as the only way two describe this outfit is post-apocalyptic goth/doom/industrial. The shear soundscapes that resonate from Tristan Shone’s Drone Machines / Dub Machines is not only bone crushingly good, but scary too. All backed up by some fantastic guitar with strobes flashing bright white to blue and red combined with the sound the venue was cast into an eerie setting. I cant help but be reminded of two things.
One – The 1990 British science fiction horror film written and directed by Richard Stanley, which features cameo appearances by musicians Carl McCoy, Iggy Pop and Lemmy.
Two – The 1989 American ambient psychogenic sound project duo consisting of Richard Schneider and Mark Burch called Schloss Tegal who took their name from from a hospital in a castle near Berlin, that served as a psychiatric clinic treating soldiers with art and music therapy. The band were known to record in an abattoir using the machinery at hand.
Over all this show out shone what I every could have imagined.
Opening band on the night were math/noise rock band from Cork, that being God Alone and these guys get themselves worked up into one hell of a frenzy, so much so its the first time I have witnessed a guitarist break not one, but ever! string on the guitar at once.
God Alone photo:

Author & Punisher photos:

Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic