Opening the night was an act I had never heard of and was very intrigued when I walked up to the front of stage as there in front of me was a very large metal disc with bones and antlers spread out on it and a suitcase with wires and lots of nobs. So i stood eagerly waiting.
Come half eight and I didn’t have to wait any longer as a lone person took to the stage bathe in green light and the most terrifying noise started up and it was Luxury Mollusc and artist from the Kildare/Wicklow borderlands.
Now when I say terrifying, that is meant in the best way possible as the sound that were made just pounded through you and you were taken away from the venue, I heard one person at the end of the set saying that they thought they have gone to Valhalla.
I thought well how are The Body & Dis Fig going to top that, but dam me they did, from the minute they hit the stage the atmosphere was set with the most ominous feel ever and all that can be said about Dis Fig is that that lady is possessed.
For my whole gig going life I have sited Iggy Pop 1988 in Dublin as the best gig I have every attended. Well The Body and Dis Fig last night is up there with that. Fuck me it was the most primeval tribal experience I have every witnessed.
Luxury Mollusc photos:

The Body & Dis Fig photos & set-list:

Eternal Hours
To Walk a Higher Path
Dissent, Shame
Orchards of a Futile Heaven
Holy Lance
Coils of Kaa
Back to the Water
Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic