I’m not going to lie, when I was first asked to photograph New Model Army, I had shamefully never heard of them, but quickly done my research and was blown away to find the amount of a back catalog available to me. fifteen studio albums and four live albums and that’s not even mentioning the amount of single releases, this is one hard working band!
You could tell from the crowd that this was a very anticipated show that everyone in the crowd had been waiting for, for sometime now. The excitement was high!
With the smoke pumping out from the walls and the atmosphere just right, Justin and his fellow band members bursted on stage and raised the spirits in the room.
It wasn’t long until every one could tell that something was wrong though. Guitarist Dean White had just blown his guitar amp with, what I would like to think was his powerful playing, but I assume it was a fault already there. The show went on as the stage crew quickly flipped it for a new amp whilst Justin serenaded the crowd with an acoustic version of “Better Than Them”.
The Opium erupted on “Long Goodbye” and unfortunately for me with two heavy cameras in hand, a mosh pit broke out and it seemed as though everyone was reliving their youth again.
With energies high and the lights low, the lads continued to smash out bangers one after another with a powerful 21 song set list which kept the night going.
It certainly won’t be my last time seeing these lads live.
Siberia photos:

New Model Army photos & Set-list:

Coming or Going
Better Than Them
Long Goodbye
First Summer After
If I Am Still Me
Do You Really Want to Go There?
No Greater Love
Cold Wind
Green and Grey
Angry Planet
Wonderful Way to Go
No Rest
Get me out
Photos & words -Carl Foran