Caught a favourite of mine, that being Dublin four piece A Lazarus Soul at Kilkenny’s, John Cleere’s Bar & Theatre! Which I have been looking forward to since its announcement and to make things even better when I arrived to the venue I found that another long time fav of mine was supporting, opening the night was Dublin based artist & musician Stefan Murphy a very underrated songwriter in my opinion (but that has never counted for much anyway lol) check out the album ”Year of the Horse” by the band The Might Stef (now disbanded) and judge for yourself and also check out his first solo album ”Hospital Verses”.
A Lazarus Soul have for a time been flying under the radar for a lot of people, but with the release of their second album “No Flowers Grow in Cement Gardens” they have come to the forefront on the Irish music scene and duly so.
The room was packed out last night and the band played tracks from both their albums which all went down a treat with the crowd. Like all great shows the only quibble would be that it was over far to soon, but I’m lucking enough to be catch the guys again tonight as they open for post-punk icons THE THE in Dublin which hopeful will bring the band to a larger audience which is deserving.
Stefen Murphy photos & set-list:

The Cracks Of The Modern World
Dry Cider
Hospital Verses
When The Saints Come Crawling Home
Where The Nightmares Begin
The Story Of Agnes
Athlete Of Soul
A Lazarus Soul photos & set-list:

Black Maria
The Flower I Flung Into Her Grave
No Hope Road
Glass Swans
The Day Harry Left
Black and Amber (Brian & Joe)
Long Balconies (Brian & Joe)
Diver Walsh
Mercury Hit a High
Lemon 7s
Tar Road
Last Of The Analogue Age
The Dealers (Acoustic with Brian & Joe)
Funeral Sessions
Photos & words – Ian Mc Donnell @mcgigmusic